Pandit Din Dayal Aavas Yojana 2021.

Pandit Din Dayal Aavas Yojana 2021.

Eligibility criteria For Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Avas Yojana 2021.

The income limit has been decided to be Rs.1,50,000 / - for rural area and Rs.1,50,000 / - for urban area.

The standard of assistance

Rs.1,50,000 / - is given to Ismos who own plots to build houses in rural and urban areas to alleviate the difficulties of living in cities and villages.

The period for completion of building construction is 2 years.

Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Avas Yojana 2021

Documents to be submitted

✓Applicant's Caste / Sub-Caste Sample (Economic Backward Class Applicant does not need to attach Caste Sample), Applicant's Living Certificate (if educated)

✓Example of income

✓Proof of residence of the applicant (any one of Aadhar Card / Electricity Bill / License / Lease Agreement / Election Card / Ration Card)

✓Certified copy of allotment letter of allotment order if land / ready house has been received under any poverty housing scheme.

✓Land Ownership Base / Document / Size Form / Form of Rights / Charter (as applicable).

✓Certificate to be given to the applicant by the Talati cum Minister / City Talati cum Minister / Circle Inspector of the Gram Panchayat for sanctioning housing assistance.

✓Holiday letter for building construction

✓Example of BPL

✓Example of husband's death (if a widow)

✓Copy of the map showing the area of ​​the land on which the building is to be constructed, signed by Talati-cum-Mantrisri.

✓Passbook / Cancel Check.

✓Photo of the applicant.

Useful Links For Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Avas Yojana 2021.

Pandit Din Dayal Upadhyay Yojana Online Apply

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Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Avas Yojana Form (Pdf) Download Here.